Dog tag

Dog tag / 190 EUR

The objects in the collaboration collection is based on the subject of identity. That it can be created and exist in between two.

Therefore each piece has two sides that reflects each brand.
One side is polished with straight shapes and has a pure expression, composed with the other side that has a structure, which was a part of the first Kultur 5 project.

All pieces are hand made in sterling silver 925.

Size / total chain length / 54 cm

Designed and crafted in Sweden.

XS / 46 – 48
S / 50 – 53
M / 55 – 57
L / 60 – 62
XL / 64 – 66


The number indicates the circumference of ring i MM.

All jewlery are made to order. You can make a custom-size ring by typing in your circumference in /mm/ in check out.